Here you find the latest news about our operation and upcoming events
Posted: 22 August 2020
Strong Online Semen Sale result
We are thrilled with the result of our recent Online Semen Sale.Posted: 31 July 2020
Online Semen Sale
We are conducting an online semen sale using on our online Yourbid auction platform. Bidding is OPEN NOW - click here to visit the bidding page.Posted: 20 June 2020
Tremendous Bull Sale using new online platform!
A huge thank you to all the buyers, underbidders, and supporters who made the first Bull Sale under the new format such a success!Posted: 10 May 2020
Success with new online sales platform
We are thrilled with a tremendous result in our online In-Calf Female Sale, which concluded on Wednesday 6th May.Posted: 24 March 2020
Great Autumn Ram Sale Result!
93 rams sold at average of $850.Full clearance of Romneys - average just under $1000, with strong support from regular buyers Carrick and Cluden stations, where they are used in...Posted: 18 March 2020
Autumn Ram Sale Streaming online! Catalogues available.
Catalogues available online now!Posted: 16 February 2020
Field Days Ram Sale - Full Clearance!
Meadowslea achieved a full clearance at our inaugural Southern Field Days Ram Sale last week.Posted: 16 February 2020
Meadowslea on REX
Hear David yarning to Richard Loe and Hamish McKay on the Rural Exchange from this morning - talking rams, bulls, pies and whatever else came to mind!Posted: 10 February 2020