Spring Bull Sale Result
Posted: 15 October 2020
Yearlings: 56/56 averaging $2,849, top price lot 38 $7,000 to Waimara Angus. Lots 37, 78, 79 &81 to Okaka Angus.
Two-year-olds: 28/32 averaging $5,443, with top price lot 3 (pictured) to
Turihaua Angus
$24,200. Lot 9 also sold stud to Hillcroft Angus at $9,600.Over 800 bids through the
online platform, with strong bidding from buyers both on-farm and online.A big thank you to all our buyers, underbidders, helpers, staff, the kindy ladies for the catering,
Fairlie Bakehouse
for the Meadowslea beef pies, and everyone else who made the day such a success!